Graduation date will be on Wednesday, June 8th, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. at FIU (US Century Bank Arena)
The survey will only be available from May 9-31, 2011.
Click here for Senior Exit Survey
Digital Art magnet student Terence Coffy won an “Arts for Life! Scholarship” for $1000. This scholarship was founded by Mrs. Columba Bush to promote and support arts education in Florida’s schools. There will be an awards luncheon where all 25 scholarship winners will be honored on June 27, 2011 in St. Petersburg, Florida

South Miami Senior High has won the District's Technology Competition: Robotics Division for a third year in a row. Our robotics team (Israel Mostafa, Jonathan Lopez and Gabriel Alvarez) successfully defended their title. Their first place price was a brand new Apple Ipad worth over $600.00.

On Wednesday, April 27th, 2011 South Miami Senior High School and the South Miami Drug-Free Coalition teamed up to host the First Annual Youth Dialogue Day and Luncheon in the Media Center. The intent of Dialogue Day is to initiate meaningful discussions between students and community leaders. This event will allow students to come together with concerned adults to talk about what matters most to them on topics ranging from peer pressure to community safety to drug/alcohol abuse and other important issues affecting our community. It will be a morning of honest conversations that are youth-inspired, youth-led and youth-driven! This event will also provide the opportunity for students to meet positive role models from their community and for our community’s leaders to become directly involved with our youth.
Congratulations to the following individuals for having their works selected to be in this year's Art of Found Objects Exhibition:
- Teacher Entry: Lizzie Hunter - Ink & Watercolor
- Ivanna Bionda - Ink & Watercolor
- Fannie Colindres - Ink & Watercolor
- Maria Garcia - Vinyl Collage
- Maria Gonzalez - Vinyl Collage
- Shaloma Gutierrez - Vinyl Collage
- Alexa Morales - Ink & Watercolor
- Christian Raza - Ink & Watercolor
- Lisa-Stephanie Valme - Ink & Watercolor (Honorable Mention $50 Pearl Gift Card)
- Yanelis Valdes - Vinyl Collage (Honorable Mention $50 Pearl Gift Card)
On Thursday, March 31st, Ms. Hunter initiated a project with her Art 2D and Portfolio 1 classes, with a goal to produce 1,000 origami cranes. According to an ancient Japanese tradition, anyone who builds 1,000 paper cranes will be granted a wish. This 'two-day' project started as a symbolic gesture to wish Japan some good fortune in these trying times. I later came across the link below where I discovered that these cranes could be mailed to an organization that will donate $2 per paper crane!

With the help of Ms. Gormley's students, we have made 761 cranes that are currently in the display case by the activities office.
If you are interested in helping us reach our goal, you're welcome to join us in room 529 on Wednesday afternoon (4/6/11).
A video tutorial explaining the steps for making paper cranes will be shown. |

One of our Magnet Broadcast students, Frankie Garces, was featured on a story about perfect attendance and a scholarship fund his parents have created. You may view the story at the link below: