Cobra News Headlines for September
- Student
Services is now selling Birthday balloons! They have
a variety of options for $2.00 and $3.00 dollars. So remember
if you want to wish your friends or teachers a happy birthday,
purchase your birthday balloons from the CAP office starting
this Friday, September 26th, before school, between classes
and both lunches.
- South Miami Senior High's Open House will take place
on Tuesday, September 23, beginning at 6:30 pm.
- The Activities Office is
hosting the First Annual Lunchtime SALSA Competition to celebrate
Hispanic Heritage Month. Everyone is invited! It will take place at
the Spill out Area on Friday, September 26, 2008 during both lunches.
- The first Inter Club Council Meeting is scheduled for September
24 at 7:45 a.m., in the auditorium. The treasurer or alternate of
each club must attend. Each homeroom must also send the homeroom representative
- Attention students; three great volunteer opportunities.
- Parents, the PTSA meeting scheduled
for September 9th will be rescheduled for a later date. Further
information will be posted to the site when it becomes available.
- CAP News
- Representatives from St. Thomas University will be
visiting South Miami Senior High on October 10th and
Representatives from the University of Miami will be
visiting on September 26th. Students interested should
sign up with Mrs. Manchola in the guidance office.
- If you are interested in studying abroad here is
a great opportunity, John Cabot University in Rome
will be visiting South Miami Senior on September 12th
at 1:00 pm. Sign up ASAP in the Guidance office with
Mrs. Manchola. All students are welcomed.
- Also visiting the Miami Area; Columbia University,
Brown University, University of Chicago, Cornell University,
and Rice University on Friday September 19 at the Hilton
Miami Airport 5101 Blue Lagoon Drive. RSVP at
- Attention seniors, get on track with what you have to do to have
a successful year. Download
the 2008-2009 Senior Checklist from Student
Services. Also
check out the first issue of SMSH College Bound for the 2008-09 school
- In an attempt to establish a new Cobra Tradition, we would like
to name our buildings like they do on college campuses. We are looking
for suggestions from BOTH the faculty and the student body. We are
looking for fun, exciting and creative (yet appropriate!) names and
ideas. There is a suggestion box in both the activities office and
the counselors office. Faculty, please feel free to e-mail your suggestions
if you wish. For those of you that are interested, we are taking suggestions
for the spill out area as well. All suggestions must be in by Friday
September 12.
We will then narrow the suggestions down to a few finalist and put it out for
a school wide vote! The winning names will be painted above the doors leading
to each building!
So, out with the "OLD" Tradition and in with the "NEW" Tradition!
- Club Rush Week is HERE! Check out displays for
all the great clubs at South Miami Senior High. Rush Week runs September
8 - 12.
- The Media Center is officially back in business. Stop by for a
book, a muffin, or a great place to relax and read! We have new floors
and new seating areas; stop by to take a look. Please let students
know that they can check out books or use computers with their id
or schedule. Here are our hours:
- Mon.-Thurs.: 7:15am-3:00pm
Friday: 7:15am-2:30pm
- The first home girls volleyball game is Tuesday, September 2 JV
at 6:00 and Varsity starts at 7:15. Come out and support the team!
- The first PTSA meeting for the 2008-09 school year will take place
September 9th at 6:30 in the auditorium. The first ESSAC meeting will
be on August 27th at 2:45 (location to be announced). All are welcome.
- Attention parents, in accordance with federal and state requirements,
school districts are required to provide an annual school status report.
The information on this report should help you assess the performance
of your child’s school. This report is known as the No Child
Left Behind School Public Accountability Report and it will be available
for your review at your child’s school and at the School Board
Administration Building, Citizen Information Center, 1450 NE 2nd Avenue,
Room 158, Miami, Florida. If you have additional questions, please
contact your child’s school.
- SMS Cobra TV premieres on the
world wide web. Get a sneak peek at the behind the scenes work in
the recently refurbished and updated broadcast studio.
- Take a peek at
the various refurbishing projects that have been happening in the
Media Center over the summer.
- Congratulations to Jennifer Dominquez for her winning entry in the
2008 Florida Reading Association Poster Contest. Her poster was among
the top three winning designs.
