Cobra News Headlines for February
- The monthly Inter-Club Council Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,
February 27th @ 2:35 in the Auditorium
Columbia College will
be visiting SMSH on February 28, 2008 at 9:30 am. Columbia College
is for those students who have a talent and passion for the ARTS.
If you are interested sign up with Mrs. Manchola in the guidance
ASAP. Juniors and Sophomores are welcomed.
Club will award community service hours
for any students who collect items on their Scavenger
List and turn them in to Mr. Jopling in
room 608. These items can be used as long as they are
in good condition.
The deadline for donations is FRIDAY FEB 29. One or two
hours of community service will be awarded for each individual item on the
list. Click on the Key Club logo below for the list and more information.
- The Class of 2011 shirts are on sale now for $10. See Ms Cuesta
in room 427.
Congratulations to the following Magnet
Art students for their contributions to the 22nd Annual
Impressions in Watercolor Exhibition -Lazaro Delgado (Honorable
Mention), Laura Garcia (Judges Choice award), and Jubenthy
Mendez (Dade Art Educator's Association's "Renay Rossi
Award"). The students were juried by members of the
Miami Watercolor Society. The show will run from February
4th to the 29th in the Jackie Hinchie-Sipes Gallery at
Design and Architecture Senior High (4141 NE 2nd Avenue,
Suite 114). Click on the link below to see the gallery.
Student entries in Impressions in Watercolor
Congratulations go out to the Magnet Photography
students who entered the National
PTA Reflections fine arts competition in the
photography category. Our school was allowed to enter five
photographs visualizing the theme of " I Can Make
a Difference by...". Melissa Castillo, grade
12 was a Finalist and her entry will go on to the State
Competition (water conservation was her theme). Earning
Honorable Mentions were Talia Capistrano (grade 12), Ivette
Chavarria (grade 12), Janel Vega (grade 11), and Gabriela
Velez (grade 10).
Click on the link below to see a gallery of the photographs.
- Check
out this week's Cobra Word Wizard.
- There will be a PTSA meeting
February 19th in the auditorium from 6:30pm to 7:00pm; followed
by a bilingual parent seminar entitled Community Resources Available.
- Congratulations to the following students in winning the weekly
raffles for Saturday
Academy attendance.
The following students won AMC Movie gift cards: Jose Rivas, Rafael Manzanaruz,
Lewis Sellars, Bianca Schreiber, Christopher Watkins, Danica Mckoy, and Chelsea
Fernandez. The following students won gift cards to Best Buy: Justin Velazquez
and Alexis Torres.
Thanks to all the clubs that sent members
to participate in the weekend beautification project; NEHS, Key
Club, SSHS, Dance, Environmental, FBLA, Student
Government,NHS, Yearbook. We hope to see more students
next Saturday!
Attention seniors! The CAP
advisor will be holding a Financial Aid
assistance workshop during both lunch periods starting
on February 20-26. Seniors should bring their FAFSA
and all tax documents needed along with their lunch.
There is no sign up sheet, all they need to do is come
to the guidance office and see Mrs.
Congratulations to the SMSH Basketball
team; they won the finals at District. The team play on
Thursday night at 7:00 PM in the gym.
- Check
out this week's Cobra Word Wizard.
- Congratulations go out to the Magnet Photography students who
entered the National
PTA Reflections fine arts competition in the photography category.
Our school was allowed to enter five photographs visualizing the
theme of "I Can Make a Difference by...". Melissa
Castillo, grade 12 was a Finalist and her entry will go on to the
State Competition (water conservation was her theme). Earning Honorable
Mentions were Talia Capistrano (grade 12), Ivette Chavarria (grade
12), Janel Vega (grade 11), and Gabriela Velez (grade 10).
- Check
out this week's Cobra Word Wizard.
Cobra Thespians Present: The First Coffee
House of 2008. COFFEE HOUSE is a South Miami Drama tradition
where all students are welcome to audition and display
their talents in an intimate, relaxed setting. Most performances
include singers, actors, poets, musicians, and improv comedy
(and, yes, we serve Coffee). Auditions will be on Wednesday
February 6 at 2:40 pm in Rm 230. The performance will be
on Thursday February 7, 2:45 pm in Rm 230. Admission
is FREE!!!
- Junior Formal will be on February 15th in the Gym 7 - 11 PM.
Tickets are on sale during both lunches until Feb. 12th.
$35.00 or $60.00
for a couple. The Junior Ring Ceremony will be on February 29th
at 6:30 in the Auditorium for students receiving rings (slide
show presentation and lineup) in Gym for
guests at 7:00PM. We need helpers to clean up after each event. Community Service
hours will be doubled for nighttime duty! See Mrs. Panadero
in room 245 to sign up.
- Saturday Beautification Projects on February 9 and February 16.
All clubs/classes are invited. Join Student Government 8:00
AM t0 12 PM and earn double Community Service Hours!

Beginning Monday, February 4th, the Media Center will have new extended hours.
Our new schedule will be:
Monday-Thursday: 7:00am-4:00pm
Friday: 7:00am-3:30pm
We are also going to extend the checkout period on books from two weeks to
three weeks in order to help reduce fines and to give students more time
to finish reading materials before they are due.

Its Mardi Gras Fun At The Curriculum Carousel!
Join us February 5th, 2008; 7:00 pm in the Gym.
Click on the mask for more information
- SMSH Community Service Beautification Project is being planned
for Feb. 9th and Feb. 16th. All clubs are invited to participate!
From 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM we will be cleaning, painting, decorating
areas of our school. Students will receive community service hours
(double time). Email Ms.
Rodriguez to volunteer your club/class. Please include the
number of members that will be participating and whether, or not
the sponsor plans to attend.
- There will be an Inter-Club Council meeting on January 30, 2008
in the Auditorium after school at 2:45 PM. Please send your club/class
- Check
out this week's Cobra Word Wizard.
- South Miami Senior High School's Best Buddies club will sponsor
a blood drive on Tuesday, January 29th from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM in
the Auditorium. Staff is invited to participate!
- Cobra Artwork on Display at Miami Art Museum. Congratulations
go out to four of our students who will be exhibiting their works
at the Miami
Art Museum as part of the 2008 Scholastic
Art Awards Exhibition.
- Jean Carlos Fernandez (11th grade) - Silver Key
- Sulay Palenque (11th grade) - Gold Key & American Vision
- Gabrielle Pena (12th grade) - Silver Key
- Roger Sarria (12th grade) - Honorable Mention
Regional winners at this level will go on to compete at the national level
in New York. The Miami Art Museum and Miami-Dade Public Schools present
the 2008 Scholastic Art Awards Exhibition January 27th through February
17th. The reception will be on Sunday, January 27 from 1 to 4, with the
Awards Ceremony at 3 PM. For more information contact the Miami
Art Museum at 305.375.3000