2010 - Present
South Miami Senior High Website The philosophy of the SMSH website is to adhere to the principals of purpose, place and identity. In today's digital age, our school's website serves as the introduction for many to what South Miami Senior High is about. The purpose of the site is to communicate information about the school that is of use to students, parents, faculty and staff. The SMSH website is not merely a collection of online documents but it is an extension of the physical school into the virtual world. The design of the site incorporates the idea of moving from one 'place' to another in order to effect a sense of exploration of the school. A sense of place helps visitors build a stronger, more memorable experience. It also helps internet users feel more at home with South Miami Senior High. The architecture of the site takes into account the types of patrons that use the site, primarily the student, the parent, the teacher and or staff member. The site keeps a simple style in order to accommodate users with all levels of internet literacy and computer access. The website's identity is determined by its content. Features unique to the site such as the Read it First news on the Media Center page and the Cobra History easter eggs shape the identity of the site and help to leave the internet user with a lasting and positive impression of South Miami Senior High.
Tools used in creating this website include:
2008- 2010 2007 2005-2006 2003 - 2004 |
2009-2010 State of the Website presentation
Humberto M. Ferre - webmaster |