South Miami Senior High Media Center Rules and Procedures
Rules For Computer Use Always ask at the counter before using the computers. Computers will always be checked out to students during lunch time. When checking out computers, please use the computer station assigned to you on the card. As with checking out books, a school ID is required to check out a computer. Absolutely NO video games of any kind are to be played on the computers. Please refrain from downloading games or playing them off of your USB drives. Please do not play loud audio on the computers. Headphones are avaliable at the circulation counter for listening to audio on the computers. Please consult the M-DCPS
Acceptable Use Policy for further rules and regulations regarding computer
use. |
Books and Book Checkouts
Regular Library Media Center materials may be checked out for three weeks. These materials may be renewed for additional time if the patron brings the materials to the library. Ask at the circulation desk about the possabilty of placing a book on hold if it is not currently avaliable. We ask that students and faculty refrain from shelving books. Return the materials to the book carts in the stacks or to the circulation desk. Students may check out up to four books at a time and are asked to please return all materials as soon as they have finished using the materials. Only two books on any one subject is allowed per student. Reference materials may not be checked out. Materials will not be checked
out to students who have overdue materials or who owe fines over
5 dollars. Overdue Books and Fines
Students are expected to pay in full for lost or damaged materials. Please be aware that students must have a clear financial record in order to participate in student activities such as Grad Nite/Grad Bash and prom.
Rules of Conduct Students need a yellow hall pass to use the library during class time. Up to five students can come to the library at a time with a pass that lists all names. Passes must indicate the students' assignment. Students will need their id (or schedule until they get an id). The Library Media
Center is available to patrons for reading, doing research, studying,
quiet conversation and doing homework. |