In the summer of 2007, Library Media Services initiated the first ever Media Apprentice Program, to which South Miami Senior High hosted half of the new incoming interns. Consisting of recommended incoming juniors and seniors, the MAP program at SMSH included a variety of activities meant to promote and explain the career of librarianship. |
Roxanne Palenzuela and Cindy Stafford with the 2007 summer MAP interns. Cindy Stafford supervised a number of library related activities with the MAP students, covering the issues of censorship, customer service, and the day to day operations of a successful and friendly media center.
Book promotions to attract readers were one of the activities during the first two weeks of MAP. MAP interns learned many of the hands-on skills librarians employ in the course of the job, including book covering to help preserve the collection. The topic of censorship and Banned Books week was covered extensively. The MAP interns got a chance to craft eye catching posters for Banned Books Week.
Roxanne Palenzuela kicked off the initial two weeks of the program with the students. After the first two weeks, the MAP interns all left South Miami Senior to put the library skills they learned into practice at libraries around the county. South Miami was lucky to have three aides assigned during the summer. Rosa Fiol, Danny Aguas, Illissa Tyrell and fellow summer intern Kevin Colson smiling with Cindy Stafford at the successful completion of the summer MAP program.