Student Services
EBD Clinician for designated students |
for students in grades 10-12 with last name beginning
with A and Q-Z |
for students in grades 10-12 with last name beginning
with C and L-P |
for students in grades 10-12 with last name beginning
with B and D-K |
for 9th grade students |
Social Worker |

To See Your Counselor:
- Please see our Student
Services secretary to obtain a Conference
Request Form, complete
the form and return it to the appropriate
counselors mail bin. A Guidance Appointment
pass will be sent to your first period
class/homeroom with the time of your appointment.
- Please show your pass
to your teacher and have them sign the
pass acknowledging
that they have dismissed you from their
class to be able to see your counselor.
- If you are unable to keep
your appointment, please see our secretary
to reschedule
the appointment.
- Walk-in times are available for parents
from 7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m. and 1:00-2:00 p.m.
- Walk-in times for students only are available
during the lunch times and as per counselor
availability before or after school.
- Please feel free to contact
your counselor via e-mail (addresses are
on this website)

Important Information regarding
Attendance and Block Scheduling
- Every period missed of
a class will now count as two periods missed,
as each class is scheduled in a double-period
block for our new block schedule of classes.
- Classes in periods 1, 3, and 5 will run
on A-days and classes in periods 2, 4, and
6 will run during B-days.
- Recall that in order to receive credit
for a semester course, you may not miss 5
or more days; in order to receive credit
for an annual course, you may not miss 10
or more days (as per Miami-Dade County Public
School Board rules).

Schedule Changes
All students are asked to adhere
to the following procedures in order to correct/adjust
their schedule.
- No student should be sent
to the guidance office. No exceptions.
- No changes will
be made on the first day of school.
Students will follow their schedule exactly
as printed.
- If there is an error in the scheduled (repeating
a class, course needed for graduation, class
passed in summer school, etc.) have the student
turn it in to the teacher. The teacher will
turn it in to the Guidance Office. Please
complete only one form.
- Students will follow their schedule until
they receive a new schedule. The student
must sign out with the original teacher and
then go to the new class to sign in. Receiving
teacher should keep the change form and turn
it in at the end of the day to the guidance
office. Do not delete a student unless
you have signed a change form.
- Change of mind for scheduled changes will
not be considered.
- Any student who feels there is an error
in their schedule must submit a request for
schedule change.
- If a request for a change is approved,
the student will receive the change in their
1st period class. Please check your mailboxes
for changes for students and passes requesting

New Changes in Grade Level Promotional
- to be designated a 10th grader, a student
must have earned a minimum of 4 credits (including
one English OR one Mathematics credit)
- to be designated an 11th grader, a student
must have earned a minimum of 9 credits (including
two English credits and one Mathematics credit
and one Science credit OR one English credit,
two Mathematics credits and one Science credit)
- to be designated a 12th grader, a student
must have earned a minimum of 16 credits
(including three English credits, two Mathematics
credits and two Science credits OR two English
credits, three Mathematics credits and two
Science credits)
- to graduate, a student must have earned
a minimum of 24 credits as stated in the
graduation requirements corresponding to
their year of graduation. See Graduation
Graduation Requirements
beginning with the Class of 2011
High School Graduation Requirements
1. 24 credits (see below)
2. Pass the Florida Comprehensive Assessment
Test (FCAT)
3. 2.0 cumulative unweighted grade point average
4. Demonstrate mastery of basic computer literacy
5. Complete a community service project
State Requirements for Graduation
English 4
Mathematics (must include Algebra I and Geometry) 4
Science (must include Earth/Space Science, Biology, and
Chemistry OR Physical Science) 3
Social Studies (World, History, American History, and
American Government & Economics) 3
Fine Art (any visual or performing art) 1
Personal Fitness 0.5
Physical Education 0.5
General Electives 8
Note: In order to pass an annual course in
grades 9-12, a student must earn a minimum
of 10 grade points, of which a minimum of 5
must be earned in the second semester.
Note: Effective with courses completed after
September 1, 1998, and thereafter, any student
in grades 9-12 or in middle school (grades
6-8) who enrolls in and completes a course
designed for senior high school students and
receives a grade of D or F as a final grade
may repeat that course or one in the same category
with a C or better to replace the grade previously
earned. Fs will be included in your GPA, if
they are not replaced. Fs = 0 points!
For more information consult the Curriculum

Options for making up courses/credits
1.) Online courses through Florida Virtual
School (check for course availability
and follow procedure for registration; inform
counselor to finalize approval to take course).
Usually requires three assignments completed
and returned via internet to the instructor
on a weekly basis to remain in good standing.
No restraints regarding the number of courses
permitted for a student to take. One credit
courses run for a 36 weeks period and half-credit
courses run for an 18 weeks period.
2.) Take courses through the Adult Education
Program (night school); check for course availability
through your counselor for neighboring high
schools with adult ed. programs. The procedure
to be followed to obtain permission from school
personnel requires time; thus, as soon as the
announcement is made regarding night school
availability, come and begin the process to
register (courses are on a first-come first-served
basis, as space is limited).
You may take a maximum of 6 courses in night
school during your high school years. Calculate
that annual (one credit) courses require your
presence twice a week (nightly); most half-year
(half-credit) courses require only one night
a week. Attendance is imperative, as no grade
will be awarded (regardless of whether the
student has a passing grade or not) for students
missing classes. Check with the night school
program for rules and regulations that apply.
Time management is essential to keep grades
for “day” classes in good standing and still
be able to succeed in “night school” classes.
3.) Summer “day” programs, at the school,
are made available to senior and juniors (usually).
Summer adult ed./ night school programs are
available to all students.