Dade Recycling Information

I. Cartridge Recycling Program: “Trash into Cash”
A. Collection Bins
- used ink cartridges, toners, cell phones, and batteries can be recycled
- collection box/bins are located in the activities office (Cobra Tower) and library (Cobra Hall)
- encourage students and teachers to participate (school receives money from what is collected)

II. Recycling Program
A. Classroom Bins
- given to interested teachers
- paper and cardboard products can be recycled
- plastic and aluminum products must be bagged SEPARATELY; e-mail me for pick-up

B. Disposal of Recycled Paper from Classroom Bins
- once your classroom bin is full please empty into one of the large toters that are placed in
the following locations:
  • Cobra Hall: Copy Room (107); English Office (299); Math Office (246); Social Studies Office (301)
  • Cobra Tower: Activities/Copy Room (407); Science Office (506)
    - toters will be cleared once they are full