Program Specialist - Ms.Bezold
SPED Secretary- Carmen T. Boada
The mission of exceptional student education in Florida, a committed alliance for the development of the unique gifts of each exceptional person, is to ensure the achievement of each and every individual's extra ordinary purpose by expanding opportunities through collaboration of families, professionals, and communities who guarantee highest expectations and individual success.
IEP Form Download (download the form, fill it out in Adobe and email it to Humberto (
Self Contained EBD
- Algebra I
- Algebra II
- Geometry
- Advance Topics in Mathematics
- Math for College Readiness
- Physical Science
- Biology
- Chemistry

 Ms. Arevalo
ESE Program Specialist |
 Ms. Bezold |
- Career Preparation
- Career Experiences
English I/II
- Government
- Social & Personal Skills
- English III Parallel
- English IV Parallel

Ms. Donehue |
Career Preparation
- Community and Social Skills
- Leisure and Recreational Skills

Social & Personal Skills
- Liberal Arts Math
- Earth Space Science
Algebra I |
- Algebra II
- Geometry
- Chemistry
- English I/II
- English III/IV
- Prep for Postschool Adult Living
- Algebra I
- Geometry
- Economics
- Biology
- American History

- English III/IV
- Personal & Home Skills for Functional Living
- Economics
- American Goverment
- American History

- World History
- Math for College Readiness
- Informal Geometry
- Physical Science
- Biology
- Personal & Home Skills for Functional Living
- Prep for Postschool Adult Living
- Career Preperation
- Community and Social Skills
- Leisure and Recreational Skills
Self Contained EBD
American Goverment
- Economics
- World History
- English I Parallel
- English II Parallel
Prep for Postschool Adult Living
- Career Preperation
- Community and Social Skills
- Leisure and Recreational Skills