Welcome to South Miami Senior High Magnet School of the Arts
Students selected for the magnet program at will spend two hours per
day in their selected strand and spend the rest of the day in their
academic and elective classes. Our school is on a block schedule of three 2 hour classes per day, and the Magnet classes meet for 2 hour every day. This intensive schedule allows for more in-depth study and participation in the chosen strand.
The centerpiece of our school's magnet program, our Digital and Fine Arts programs help students maximize their skills and talent. Students in these programs frequently go on to exhibit their works in various arts exhibitions. Our TV Production program at South Miami Senior High is operated by an all-student staff ranging from grades 9th through 12th. Graduates from this program have gone on to work in the television field around the country. Student in the tv program develop skills in areas of scripting, production, camera handling, lighting & sound. In our photography program, students are trained in high-end digital photography and frequently showcase works at local and regional exhibitions. Our music program offerings include jazz, orchestra, percussion, and band. Our Magnet music students are routinely called to perform for Superintendent, School Board, and Region events. The band program has placed top 10 in the state in marching band for the last three years. |